During the upcoming 2019 winter works our focus will be on system efficiency and minimising impacts to water supply where possible.
The modernisation works, combined with WaterNSW restoration works at Berembed Weir, mean that we will be maintaining a modified irrigation supply from 27 May through to mid-August. We will continue to work with WaterNSW to minimise impacts.
Water outages will vary and should not exceed six weeks. We will be contacting customers with critical watering needs such as crop protection for citrus, and domestic access where there is no alternative water supply.
The extent of WaterNSW works will determine if there is any impact to town water supply.
Sections of some channels where there are no modernisation works will be lowered intermittently to allow for inspections and programmed maintenance works.
To help us with water planning for the winter period, please place water orders as soon as possible via EASYWATER or call us on (02) 69620200, and we will be in touch.
Works updates:
Lake View Branch Canal (LVBC) expansion: this project has been rescoped to run over two years. Stage 1 will be delivered during the 2019 winter works period and involves the upgrade of regulators, bridges and escapes. Works will commence at the start of June for completion by the end of July. Water for critical needs will be made available in the last week of June.
Gogelderie Branch Canal 2 (GBC2): this project involves the automation of structures escapes and offtakes on a section of the GBC2. Works will commence at the start of June for completion by the end of July.
Gogelderie Branch Canal 3 (GBC3 at Pyke’s Corner): Major bridge replacement works will be undertaken from 27 May through to end July. Water for critical needs will be stored in channels downstream of works and made available in late June.
Mirrool Creek Branch Canal (MCBC): these works will improve the level of service to customers by fixing performance issues and will increase capacity with the upper pools of the MCBC. Works include the installation of 32 new Flume Gates in the first 12 regulators to improve control of flows, along with bridge and offtake works. Work will commence at the start of July for completion by the end of July.
Yanco S&D pumped pipeline system: construction on Stage 2 of the Yanco Stock & Domestic Project is ongoing and is on schedule to be completed by the end of July, in a continuation of the works started last year. Preparation works now are underway for the installation of pipeline, with the two pump sheds relocated to new sites.
Warburn Channel Lining: Lateral 258 will be lined to eliminate seepage issues. Works will commence at the start of July for completion by the end of August.
Outlet program: as part of our modernisation program we are installing new, and upgrading, metered farm outlets so they are automation ready. These works are scheduled for completion by the end of July.
For further information and updates on the progress of works, see our website or contact us on (02) 6962 0200. Also, please make sure you update your email address with us to ensure you are kept informed about works specific to your operational area throughout the 2019 winter works period.
Murrumbidgee Valley moved to Stage 2 drought criticality
The Murrumbidgee Valley has recently moved to Stage 2 drought criticality, and DPI Water have commenced drought operational planning in preparation in the event of extreme dry conditions continuing throughout 2019/20. DPI Water have also advised that opening conveyance allocations will be reduced, and this will have a direct impact on how MI can run the system. Further information on the policy and related drought stages can be found at:www.industry.nsw.gov.au/water/allocations-availability/droughts-floods/extreme-events
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