Last Trades
Please find below a list of the last trade prices, not only from Key Water but across a range of markets.
Updated Monday 01 July 2022
Last Temporary Trades
Murrumbidgee | $70/ML |
NSW Murray (above-MIL) | $50/ML |
NSW Murray (below) | $75/ML |
VIC Murray (above) | $50/ML |
VIC Murray (below) | $75/ML |
VIC Goulburn | $65/ML |
Lachlan | |
Lower Murrumbidgee Groundwater | $45/ML |
Lower Murray Groundwater | $25/ML |
Lower Lachlan Groundwater | $10/ML |
Macquarie | |
Namoi | |
Gwydir | |
Border Rivers | $140/ML |
Last Permanent Trades
Murrumbidgee High Security | $8900/ML |
Murrumbidgee General Security | $2650/ML |
Murrumbidgee Supplementary | $850/ML wet |
NSW (above) General Security | $1700/ML |
NSW (above) High Security | $7000/ML wet |
NSW (below) High Security | $9000/ML wet |
NSW (below) General Security | $2700/ML wet |
VIC Murray (above) High Reliability | $5000/ML |
VIC Murray (above) Low Reliability | $600/ML |
VIC Murray (below) High Reliability | $7200/ML |
VIC Murray (below) Low Reliability | $1500/ML dry |
VIC Goulburn High Reliability | $4150/ML |
VIC Goulburn Low Reliability | $660/ML dry |
SA- Class 3 | $7500/ML |
Lachlan High Security | $4500/ML wet |
Lachlan General Security | $1500/ML |
Lower Lachlan Groundwater | $3500/ML |
Lower Murrumbidgee Groundwater Zone 1 | $4800/ML wet |
Lower Murrumbidgee Groundwater Zone 2 | $4500/ML wet |
Lower Murrumbidgee Groundwater Zone 3 | $3250/ML wet |
Macquarie High Security | $4300/ML |
Macquarie General Security | $2000/ML |
Lower Namoi General Security | $3450/ML |
Upper Namoi General Security | |
Gwydir General Security | |
Lower Murray Groundwater | $2900/ML |
Border Rivers A | $3850/ML |
Border Rivers B | $2250/ML |
Key Water understands how important up to date market information is, and we want to keep you informed on the market happenings so you can make the best decision for you.
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