22 June 2020
The Victorian Water Register will open for trades at 12 noon AEST (Australian Eastern Standard Time) on Thursday 2 July 2020.
Further information is provided below on certain trade limits and factors that will affect opening trade opportunities.
Barmah Choke trade limit to remain in effect
The Murray-Darling Basin Authority (MDBA) has announced that the Barmah Choke trade limit will remain in effect on 1 July 2020, with the opening trade opportunity expected to be just above 19.9 gigalitres (GL).
For more information refer to the MDBA’s media release available here.
Goulburn to Murray trade limit
Under the Goulburn to Murray trade limit, trade out is possible if the water owed to the Murray system is less than 200 GL. The amount owed is measured by an inter-valley trade (IVT) account.
As at 9.00am on 22 June, the current balance of the IVT account is approximately 195 GL, providing a trade opportunity of almost 5 GL. This is likely to continue to change with trade activity up until 30 June, and the final balance will carry forward to 1 July.
The opening balance of the IVT will also be influenced by several other factors that will reduce the trade opportunity with regard to the Goulburn to Murray Limit. These include:
- On 30 June 2020, an adjustment of approximately 29 GL to the Goulburn IVT balance will be made for Snowy Water Recovery transfers.
- On 1 July 2020, the Goulburn IVT will also be credited for any allocations made to entitlements historically traded out as exchange-rate trade. This will increase the balance of the IVT by approximately 1 GL for each 1% of announced Goulburn seasonal determinations.
Broken trade out limit
As at 22 June, the current Broken IVT balance is approximately 710 ML (0.7 GL). This may change if there is any back trade into the Goulburn prior to 30 June, and the final balance will carry forward to 1 July.
Trade out of the Broken system will re-open on 2 July, and in line with the Broken trade out rule, trade will remain possible when the balance of the Broken IVT is less than 1,500 ML (1.5 GL).
Finding current trade opportunities
You can find live trade opportunities available here or using the new ‘Where can I trade?’ tool.