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Key Water Blog

Murrumbidgee Irrigation Newsletter: September

AGM date

The twenty first Annual General Meeting of shareholders will be held on Monday 11 November 2019 at the Leeton Soldiers Club, Yanco Avenue, Leeton. Registration is from 7pm for a 7.30pm start.

2019 Annual Report

Our 2019 Annual Report is now available on our website.

Water delivery – help us to count every drop

With the ongoing dry conditions and low allocations, we have been adjusting our operations across the supply network to ensure we can continue to deliver water in a way that best optimises system efficiency.

Water orders are required 48 hours in advance. To avoid water losses some channels may remain empty, or at low supply levels until customer orders are confirmed.

We may also contact customers in some areas where demand is low to ensure we can deliver water in the most efficenct way.

With projections for a dry year ahead, making sure your order is accurate helps us to minimise losses. We order our water 7 days in advance to allow for release from Burrinjuck and Blowering Dams, and with water orders starting to increase, please remember that providing notice for water orders is increasingly important.

Also, take care when setting your start and stop times and make sure that you take the flow rate that you order.

If you would like assistance in using our EASYWATER ordering system, please contact us on (02) 6962 0200. Your Division Operator can also assist you to provide a more accurate water order.

Clear access to irrigation infrastructure to reduce costs

We are committed to delivering value to our customers, and you can help us reduce costs by allowing clear access for vehicles by removing obstructive vegetation (trees or gardens), farm machinery, waste stockpiles and other obstacles:

  • On MI’s land
  • Within five metres of the boundary between MI’s land and your landholding, or
  •  Within ten metres of the edge of a channel bank, or
  •  In all other circumstances, within five metres of MI’s works.

Further information is available on our website in the Development Rules and the Water Delivery Contract, or contact us on (02) 6962 0200.

Stay clear of irrigation channels

Please don’t swim in channels and look out for children and pets. With increasing automation regulator gates are controlled remotely meaning flows and conditions can change quickly. Regulator gates can open without notice and create a trap, while siphons and pipes can create powerful suction or a water surge.

Also, channel lining projects in the Warburn, Lake View and Northern Branch Canals over the past few years, including fencing, have significantly changed channel conditions in these areas.

We have installed fencing along lined sections to prevent accidental entry to the channels. The new high-density polyethylene lined channels are very slippery compared to the old earthen or concrete sections.


National Renewables in Agriculture Conference and Expo

The inaugural National Renewables in Agriculture Conference and Expo will be held on 14 November in Wagga. This event brings together farmers, renewables experts, and agribusinesses to share expertise and lived experience with the use of on-farm renewables. For more information see:

Jan Cathcart Scholarship – 2020 Applications now open

Applications for the 2020 Jan Cathcart Scholarship are now open for women involved in the Australian rice industry, offering financial assistance valued at $10,000 a year for up to three years of tertiary study. The scholarship provides numerous opportunities for recipients, from financial support, to work experience and employment placements with SunRice, and professional and personal growth. For more information see:


Click here to read the whole newsletter

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