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Key Water Blog

Murrumbidgee Irrigation Newsletter 31st Jan 2020

Temporary Pumping Permit

For us to deliver water in the best possible way, we need to account for all access.  Our customers have told us that they sometimes need to access our channel system away from their outlet for filling spray tanks and washing down harvesters.  It is important that all access is authorised to avoid any regulatory issues.
You can apply, at no charge, for a Temporary Pumping Permit to access the channel system for small amounts of water.
The temporary permit authorises this type of access for this season and will help us better understand scale and value of this service to customers for the future.
You are eligible if:
  • You are a current irrigation customer
  • You have access to a channel system
  • You will be washing down your harvester or filling a spray tank
  • You will not use more than 0.5 Megalitre (500,000 litres) for this purpose, this season
For more information, or to apply for a Temporary Pumping Permit, visit or contact us on (02) 6962 0200.

Customers donate water to Far West NSW

We have been working with a group of generous customers who are donating water to drought affected communities in Far West NSW.
The 28 megalitres already donated to the cause will be delivered this week via the Broken Hill Pipeline to areas identified by Regional Development Australia and we are playing our part, waiving all charges associated with transferring the water.
The project is being coordinated on the ground by Regional Development Australia, Far West NSW, in conjunction with Department of Primary Industries Water and State and Federal Government Drought support teams, with the water going to families around Tibooburra, Milparinka and Silverton, that were out of water.

Water for fodder

We advocated, with many others, to relevant Ministers to ensure Murrumbidgee Irrigators had access to the Water for Fodder program. Pleasingly, 32 of our customers applications were successful in the ballot and we have facilitated the successful transfer of water into their accounts.
The Water for Fodder program is the result of a $98 million deal the federal government made with the South Australian government in December last year to supply 100 gigalitres of subsidised water for southern Murray-Darling Basin irrigators to grow up to 120,000 tonnes of pasture and fodder for livestock.
Irrigators were able to apply for up to two 50 megalitre parcels of water for $100/ML. The 100GL total has been split across two water years, 40GL to be delivered by April 2020 and the remaining 60GL to be delivered after July 2020, following an evaluation of the program.

Full automation testing commences

We have commenced testing of the next stage of our automation program on a selection of customer outlets, and this will be rolled out across the rest of the network from June 2020.
An engagement officer will contact you before the automation feature is enabled on your automated outlet, so there is no need for you to do anything at this stage. For further information please contact us on (02) 6962 0200.

MDB Inquiry feedback session in Griffith

The Interim Inspector-General of Murray–Darling Basin Water Resources, Mick Keelty, is hosting a community session in Griffith next week as part of the Inquiry into the management of Murray–Darling Basin water resources.
The Inquiry is investigating water sharing between the States in the Murray-Darling Basin.
The Griffith session is on Wednesday 5 February, 10am- 11am, at the Griffith Southside Leagues Club. To register your interest in attending email:

Financial health checks: Rural Financial Counselling Service

Rural Financial Counselling Service is a service available to primary producers and small rural businesses, covering all of Southern NSW.
Their service is free and confidential, and their counsellors are professional and independent.
If you are experiencing financial difficulties, please consider contacting the local Rural Financial Counsellor on 6962 3812 or for more information see .

Click here to read the whole newsletter

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