15th Jan
Murrumbidgee General Security remains unchanged
NSW Murray General Security remains unchanged
Lachlan General Security remains unchanged
11th Jan
Lower Namoi General Security remains unchanged a 0%
Macquarie General Security remains unchanged at 0%. A temporary water restriction is in place to ensure that water usage below Burrendong Dam in 2018-19 is suitably limited. Macquarie regulated river (general security and EWA) access licences are restricted to 70 per cent of the volume of water in the carryover sub-account as at 1 July 2018. Water users with queries about implementation of restrictions or accounting arrangements should contact WaterNSW
10th Jan
Gywdir General Security remains unchanged at 0%
2nd Jan
Goulburn & Loddon HRWS increase to 94%
Broken HRWS increase to 32%
Murray & Campaspe & Bullarook HRWS remain at 100% and Bullarook LRWS also remains at 100%
Click here to read the water determinations
The next water allocation announcement for the Murrymbidgee and Murray Valleys will be on the Tuesday the 15th of January 2019