17th December
Lachlan remains unchanged on 0% GS and 87% HS
16th December
Murrumbidgee remains unchanged on 6% GS and 95% HS
NSW Murray remains unchanged on 0% GS and 97% HS
Victoria increased by 1% in the Goulburn and Loddon system, 4% in the Murray and 2% in the Campaspe
11th December
Macquarie allocations remain unchanged, GS at 0% and High Security at 70%
6th December
Namoi Valley GS remains unchanged on 0%. High Security on 75%
Gwydir Valley GS remains unchanged on 0%. High Security on 100%
2nd December
NSW Murray GS remains unchanged on 0%
Murrumbidgee GS remains unchanged on 6%
The Murray system moves from 48% of HRWS to 52%.
The Goulburn & Loddon systems increase from 61% HRWS to 63%
The Campaspe system moves from 60% HRWS to 61%