20th December
The Peel regulated river general security allocation remains unchanged at 38 per cent of
entitlement. Similarly, the aquifer general security allocation remains unchanged at 69
percent of entitlement.
The allocation for general security licence holders in the Bega-Brogo regulated river
water source has increased by 5 per cent to 35 per cent entitlement
15th December
Murrumbidgee General Security remains unchanged at 7%
NSW Murray General Security remains unchanged at 0%.
Victoria- Murray High Reliability Water Shares moves to 100%, Goulburn to 93% and 30% in the Broken.
14th December
Macquarie General Security allocation remains unchanged at 0%, with General Security users limited to 70% of the water they carried forward into this season.
Lachlan General Security remains unchanged at 0%
11th December
Lower Namoi General Security allocation remains unchanged at 0%.
7th December
Gwydir General Security allocation remains unchanged at 0%
1st December
New South Wales
Murrumbidgee: Murrumbidgee General Security allocation remains unchanged at 7%. An additional 135GL of water is currently needed for next seasons high priority commitments before anymore water can be allocated this season.
NSW Murray: NSW Murray General Security allocation remains unchanged at 0%.
The Murray system increases to 94% HRWS
The Goulburn & Loddon systems increase to 88% HRWS
The Broken system increases to 24% HRWS